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Blubrry Podcast Hosting
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The search performed was ‘podcast hosting’. You will need a place to host your .mp3 files and there are many different companies that specialize in hosting podcasts and providing an RSS feed so you can submit your podcast to iTunes and other directories.
If you want to learn more, check out this list of the best podcast hosting sites on my other site.
Update: I also found these two posts on the top podcast hosting platforms:
Landing Pages
More Resources
Want to learn how to start a podcast? Check out this podcast starter kit guide.
Want someone to edit your podcast for you? Check out Resonate Recordings, one of the top podcast production and editing companies around.
Also, check out Iris remote recording.
Automated By Google
[0:00] Paid Welcome 2 episode 9 of the paid insights podcast where we analyze and deconstruct other companies ad campaign so you can learn what to do and what not to do.
[0:12] Music.
[0:22] Before we jump into things I just want to let you know that this episode is unofficially sponsored by blubrry podcast hosting and it’s actually podcast host I use and not mentioned.
In the episode cuz we didn’t see any ads for them.
But also the creator of the power press WordPress plugin which is basically go to podcast.
Plugin for WordPress.
And a couple singing the offer unlimited download bandwidth so if you get featured on top of iTunes you don’t have to worry about a giant bill a next month day but I mean amazing podcast player for your website you can actually see it.
My podcast page or show notes pages on their feeds are optimized for iTunes and any other podcast directory.
Actually quick story when I first set up the podcast.
Through blubrry attack somehow I accidentally created two.
Different feeds on accident headed to different account somehow this is this was all my fault I guess but that awesome service so I just emailed them and within a few hours they had.
An integrated or deleted one of those and you no no no questions asked so awesome service.
And have great statistics as well so it shows you downloads by day by month by country by platform tons of stuff so that’s actually a service that costs $5 a month separately.
[1:59] And it’s included when you get hosting.
And so I have got you a free month if you want to hurt podcast just go to
Or enter the promo code ‘paidinsights’ at check out again that’s
An welcome back to the paid insights podcast so today we are going to look at the Key Word podcast hosting.
And if you are familiar with this is is when you create a podcast you need a place to host all your audio files.
I don’t want to put them on your website server because we have hundreds or thousands of people downloading your shows it’ll make your entire website.
Basically come to a crawl or even crash so definitely don’t go that route you’ll need to get a podcast host so that’s what this keyword is for.
Paid a common misconception but even even sites like iTunes they don’t actually host the podcast they basically take an RSS feed.
Of your podcast and you can get that from your website through a plug-in or through one of these podcast house that we’re going to look at and then you’d submit that to.
ITunes in the mail will show.
The shows that are hosted elsewhere like these hosting sites are like that so we got that cleared up I’ll run through the four top for ads that showed up when I search for podcast.
[3:40] First one is Buzz Sprout and the title says bus route podcast hosting the number one way to start a podcast so it’s a good good start it seems.
Great for someone just looking to get started for a beginner does the best way to host promote and track your podcast free for 90 days.
I like the free for 90 days part because it kind of lower your resistance you know if you’re not sure if you’re going to keep it going,
a lot of people might 90 days is a good point where you decide if you’re going to keep it going or if you’re not and you can decide if you want to continue paying.
The call out extensions they’ve included are no strings attached all in one podcast tool helpful support easy to use and no contracts so.
I like I like that no contracts no strings attached you don’t make it easy for you to sign up and not worry about being stuck with them for four year for say for instance.
In the mail so I have a structured snippet extension and says services.
Which are start a podcast podcast hosting podcast marketing tools podcast statistics and it continues turn off off the screen.
And also have some sitelinks so there’s sermon podcasting for or a church there sign up for free help and blog.
I like I like the Dave included sign up for free.
Sherman podcast thing feels little out of place in this situation but.
[5:14] We can work if your if your church looking looking for.
Per podcast house that would call out to you helping blog feel a little a little weak as far as a site links but.
You know that have three using them and it makes the add larger so overall it’s good to have them I would probably think of maybe some other.
Similar landing pages they could create to use a site links to replace help and blog.
Next is hot Bean.
Dot-com and it says free podcast hosting till free right right away and it says start your own podcast in 3 easy steps so I like I like that it is the number one stands out.
Like the previous the use of the number one but the 830 SEPTA really stands out and makes it makes it.
Easy to approach I feel and everything you need is free.
That’s unlimited podcast 24 7 customer support try it free and 120000 + podcast started.
So that’s a little little social proof to show that paid you know that can handle a lot of lot of podcast and they’ve been around a while.
They also have site links that say plans and pricing podcast in features podcast mobile app and Enterprise Solutions so I like I kind of like those because.
[6:45] Pricing is a popular thing people want to know you know it not everything is free feature is is nice if you want to know that the.
Mobile app might be fur for some people and then Enterprise Solutions allows them to sort of.
Gently up cell if you’re if you’re someone looking for kind of a more robust solution.
And next we have been cast. FM their headline says publish your own podcast then cast podcast hosting.
[7:17] The call out extension say all in one podcast platform no upload limits publish anywhere and free trial till 2 to see that the.
Vancouver trial and their.
Types is a structured Snippets has created podcast published iTunes and bed on your blog build your own website.
[7:40] I like types is kind of a weird word I like hell but Sprout you services but that’s just the just the miners bank and in this case there’s no sitelinks showing.
For them they also in their ad URL it says free trial so it’s driving you right to right to a free trial.
I’m guessing and then lastly we have and it says upload your podcast get hurt today.
[8:11] Incest get heard by millions leveraging the best platform for podcast house.
So I think this Polly the weakest add in this case and me the look all the action is upload your podcast.
Right in the headline so they’re even in the display or L it says / podcast / upload so they’re trying to get you to kind of take that action right away it sounds like.
Otherwise they don’t really talk about their features or benefits anywhere in the ad.
So we’ll take a look at the landing pages and see how these a line and see how they do on their website once once you click over.
Before we get to the landing pages that quick reminder that you can find the,
show notes for this episode at paid / 9 and to the number nine again at paid / 9.
Right now on the landing pages.
To the first landing pages by Sprout and their ad actually takes you to the homepage for their website website but
And the headline says everything you need to podcast sub-headline is the easiest way to host promote and track your podcast so I like that it says.
You know everything’s included it’s easy and the button is get started.
What they want to point out is the button is a different color than the rest of their color scheme the rain color schemes for Turbo green green color in the button is a.
[9:51] Can a bright blue so that really stands out and actually like to see see that if you use you should use a button color that’s not.
Can I your dominance or even secondary color on your website it should be something else so it stands out.
Next below the button it says free podcast hosting available no credit card required.
Which is great to see that really lowers resistance so people can you know get in and play around with it without.
Boring they’re going to be charged for something
cuz you scroll down the first thing you see is a video and it’s just a short kind of.
Explainer video on how to get started and basically shows you how easy it is to the video is about 2 minutes but there’s no.
There’s no call out or call the action around the video that says something like watches quick 2 minute video to see how we are how easy it is to use or something something along those lines I think would help.
Honestly I really want to have people watch that video.
Does this by itself it you know you don’t know what you’re getting into you can’t tell how long it is so just.
Can a reminder reminder tips you should have some sort of called action around your video letting people know what they’re getting into.
What is we scroll down it says podcast hosting for people not just expert so this kind of aligns with the ad showing that they’re there for.
[11:25] Beginners and people just getting started.
Another really said it’s easy to get started there and this cannot continue that damn his bus route makes it easy for podcasters at every level to upload share and Tractor Show without any Technical Training.
Great to see and they have a little three step that says upload your episode and then basically quickplay is there a little process they have a few testimonials.
Down below and then it says he’s Lee share on every platform to Facebook Twitter iTunes WordPress.
Then as he continued on the page it says play-by-play stats shows that you can see you know individual stats for episodes or average plays.
Where people were in the world and then at the bottom there is another button that says start a podcast free for 90 days.
I love to see the button at the bottom so as you know if you get all the way down to this point and you are ready to start they make it really easy to do so I’m vagina.
Paddles called action buttons at the bottom as well as the top
go onto podbean.
And see how you land on a page has full navigation to headline just as podcasting.
Which is pretty weak and it’s a spot being as an easy and Powerful way to start podcast thing so the sub headline would.
[13:02] Would be better as the main headline and I think they can do a better job kind of calling out their their benefits they’re also the.
The hero image is a person.
Looking at you which is a little I don’t know if I’d use the word creepy but it’s just kind of kind of overwhelming and there’s a giant mixer behind them so it almost looks.
Mom’s overwhelmed like you see this this really complicated sound mixer in the back.
Anything this is this is going to be too difficult so that’s that’s my initial impression of the button says get started in his little thing it says it’s free next to it so that’s.
I think that’s a good aspect here is the and it stands out.
Is a button and then as you scroll with everything you need to create manage and promote your podcast easy uploading and Publishing tools.
A stunning templates not sure what that’s for custom domain social and promotional tools embeddable podcast player so they really highlight some of their.
Their features there which is nice and then as you continue there’s a.
Terminator called action boxes all in one podcast in solution.
Directions headline would be better up at the top instead of just podcast thing.
[14:32] And with pod Dean you can create professional podcast and minutes so yeah I think this whole.
Little section of copy would be would be better right up at the top
and there’s this little slider showing you their their platform.
[14:49] Then there’s some more kind of features highlighted down below and then they have another get started button so.
[14:58] Could I see they have a lot of calls to action to get you get you in on limited bandwidth and storage for flat rate so that’s that’s cool to see.
Stats Brandon sharing kind of going to standard features will probably see with most of them.
[15:17] And then they’ll talk about monetization opportunity so making money from your podcast advertising premium content and crowdfunding.
[15:27] Appear to be included and then they also have a iPhone and Android app.
Not really sure how that ties in her how that works but again another another get started call the action button there and then.
The share your voice with the world start your own podcast in a few clicks I like that kind of simple simple to get started.
And then it says it’s free again here at the bottom.
Anna shows hundred and forty thousand plus podcast are so some stats for over four million downloads through their platform which is cool.
At the bottom here is a kind of a full foot or so I feel that’s a negative allows you to easily click away and you all there different.
Different pages so I am not sure they need that on.
Dtpc Landing paid I think it’s good for the rest of the website but you know when you’re when you’re driving traffic to the site you want to come and keep these.
Options to get away from the page minimal and just allow people to do the main action you want.
Let’s take a look at the next ones in cash. FM this looks like a pretty III strip down.
Paid you actually go to Zen cast. FM / free – trial and it says podcasting Made Easy send cash is everything you need to host publish and track your own podcast.
[17:04] Don’t button up at the top is get started.
[17:08] And then the so-called actions would have front-and-center is enter email and then the button is create your podcast so that makes it seem seem really easy and I can go to the process but.
I like I like the big give you that option right away.
[17:28] Did not talk about pricing anywhere though so you don’t really know what you’re getting into as far as as far as that aspect I like I like the previous ones that mentioned it’s free or free for 90 days.
10 of lower lower that resistance and you know you’re not unsure what’s going to happen next.
[17:49] Continuing on the page there’s stop worrying and start recording spend time on what matters your show we will take care of the rest.
Sexy kind of a cool little graphic here it says the old way versus the new way and the old Way shows your podcast and.
As a bunch of connector bearrows going to your website hosting iTunes analytics and all this kind of confusing stuff which you know having lost podcast I agree it can be confusing when you get started.
And this is the new way you.
To a Z4 Zen cast and then your audience so they show it’s it’s dead simple basically I love that aspect.
And then right below that it says then cast makes podcast an easy you don’t need any technical skills that similar to the first landing page that we saw so I think that’s a.
Comic common.
[18:47] Barrier to entry or, no worry the people have so great to see people call it out right away.
[18:58] Did he provide some details about your podcast an episode and you’re ready to broadcast automatically publish to iTunes Google play Stitcher and any other directory so they make it.
[19:11] We sound really easy to use and as you continue there’s a bunch of features here fast and unlimited hosting.
Distributed across a global content delivery Network.
Monitor reviews and ratings and I share your audience import your show with one click
tell kind of.
Highlight some of their features here and then one thing I wanted to highlight here is that it says marcher the Martyr reviews and rating section it says stay on top of your audiences feedback be notified when your podcast receives rating or review.
[19:51] In over a hundred and fifty local iTunes stores so the way iTunes works is they have a different.
Version basically in every country so I’m in the US
and someone leaves a review in the US I will see it.
But if someone in Australia or the UK leaves review I won’t be able to see that unless I log in or change my location settings in iTunes so it’s kind of weird system.
It’s great to see if they.
Give you that ability most people don’t realize how that works so they might might want to do a little better job explaining how that’s important or why that is even even thing.
Actually use a third-party service
with a really cool guy at the company is podcast.
Website. I owe you want to check it out.
That’s kind of an all-in-one marketing and review monitoring platform even the little widget you see on on paid that says leave a review that’s through Padre just a quick quick plug to him.
And his.
Platform there but let’s continue down the page at the bottom it says start your 14-day free trial today so there is a kind of.
[21:20] How long you’re going to get it still doesn’t talk about pricing anywhere and.
I know I said before you don’t you don’t want to
happy believe the paid but I feel like that’s sort of.
A big barrier here is if you want to know how much it’s going to cost
and they just want to get you right into the trial.
Well that might it might work to get people in curious how well they convert free trial to paid.
Subscribers without giving that information.
So something I would probably test adding in here they would have to sort of track it through the entire funnel see how that works.
Let’s go to the last landing page spreaker there’s no navigation to top it says.
Pro podcasting made easy so right away it says Pro.
Podcast in which makes it sound like it’s more for that enterprise-level is a complete solution to managing your podcast try it is the button right at the top.
[22:33] And as we continue there’s this the kind of screenshots of the device I’m on mobile and desktop basically showing its its responsive.
[22:43] And then there’s three features that highlight.
I know right away is multiple shows per account is the first one and I feel like that’s something that would only apply to can a larger.
Larger companies are you know Studios so
if I was just a single.
[23:06] Podcast her that would probably turn me off this distribution far and wide and live streaming option to go live from wherever you are and to your podcast immediately published Chicago cool.
[23:21] And continue to try it again is there button.
[23:26] They don’t talk about pricing anywhere yet it says a powerful content management system so that you some them language that.
Almost feels confusing it says manage every aspect of your podcast from one place from its metadata to add artwork to the used kind of technical terms.
Which if you don’t you know if you’re just trying to get started this this would definitely turn you off.
[23:55] Professional analytics so use that professional word again so it really feels like they’re going for that larger podcast.
[24:04] And then at the bottom it says build your podcast brand so.
[24:13] Well not maybe not a bad paid for you know for that.
More serious level they don’t mention that in the ad at all.
But they’re they’re going for that market so I would probably try to call that out if I were them in the ad to dissuade clicks if they don’t want.
The smaller entry level podcast ER you know maybe they should say or professionals or try to give you know a minimum show price or something to keep those people from cooking at sista.
Something I would I would try if I were them but that is it for the four landing pages for podcast hosting hope that was useful to you.
[25:00] Music.
[25:15] One last thing if you are enjoying these podcast episodes I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a rating and review on iTunes.
And I create a link to easily get over to the iTunes page it’s
Symbols that pop over there click.
Five stars one star whatever you want leave a review and will see you soon later.