In episode 10 we look at the search for esa vests. ESA stands for Emotional Support Animal and the most common support animal is a dog. Feel free to learn more about the benefits and laws of emotional support dogs.
Search & Top AdWords Ads
Landing Pages
Automated By Google
[0:00] welcome to episode 10 of the paid insights podcast for we analyze and deconstruct other companies ad campaigns.
[0:08] Music.
[0:20] Hey and welcome back today we are going to be looking at the keyword or search Esa vests.
And this stands for is emotional support animal vests so an emotional support animal is.
Is an animal that people people will kind of take with them if they have anxiety or other kind of.
Shoes are you know what I need to have an animal to help them emotionally I guess to put it simply and.
There’s companies that sell vests for the dogs so that people know you know that it’s an emotional support animal and then they’re allowed to go on.
Like airplanes are and restaurants typically work places that you’re not allowed to have them you can even keep them in an apartment without having to pay the deposit because it’s it’s a medical me basically.
So the first ad is from u.s. dog registry
ductwork and.
The headline says Esa support dog vests so that that aligns pretty well with the search.
It says get Esa emotional support dog vest no-hassle Esa support dog vest kit shipping and tax included overnight available.
And has a structured snippet that says options service dog emotional support dog therapy dog so looks like you can get them for other types of.
[1:55] Town of animals service needs as well.
And there’s some site links for this one as well as emotional support dog get service dog kit any dog may qualify and register your dog now.
[2:11] Good good to see most of that aligns prematal that aligns really well with with the search.
And they’re showing you it’s easy and you can.
No hassle so you’re not you know if you’re not sure what it’s going to take care what you need they’re saying just come visit us and we’ll handle the difficult stuff for you.
Next is which is a giant online pet store retailer and.
Their ad says Esa vest sale at low prices and free shipping
but you are also / dog harness so that.
Benefits and it has Esa vests low prices fast free one to two day shipping and 24/7 sport shop now.
It looks like the esa vest portion of it was dynamically inserted into the ad in this case it doesn’t feel like it was designed.
Just for this cuz they talk a lot about harnesses elsewhere in the ad so.
I might be something like a dynamic search adware Google basically looks at your website and finds terms and then kind of matches him.
For you based on kind of bolts
language that you that you give them so it’s my guess as to how this this ad showed up.
[3:45] Did you have a lot of an extension so they have free shipping overall Kanata 10 24/7 customer service.
Racist 10 Outta 10 shipping Tynetta 10 free returns.
And I also have a review from the stevia or the says customer service department of the Year 2017 but awesome to see that it was current.
People like great customer service and they’re buying online so that’s good to see you also have some.
Sitelink down at the bottom says small dog harnesses medium dog harnesses large dog harnesses and extra large dog.
[4:25] And speaking of dogs my dogs just started barking so I’m not sure if you could hear that or not but that’s the that’s life.
And so I think this this one’s does they do an okay job I mean it’s if it was automated them.
You know it’s not that bad at least it’s in the right section for for chewy so we’ll see take a look at the landing pages in a minute and see how that how all that aligns.
Nexus d.
Working service and headlines has Esa dog vests free shipping on $75 + orders.
There is a phone number in the ad says high-quality emotional support dog vests get the best for your Esa dog.
[5:14] So I don’t see any any other extensions in this one except for the phone numbers have a nice touch
you know if it’s a.
Pip want to be able to call in and ask questions or talk maybe that kind of pushes them.
[5:31] Can over the edge for for that ad it’s the only one with the phone number.
And I’m not sure what the demographics are it could be it’s an older population that might be more inclined to call so I can see that being a nice nice benefit there.
Paid display URL says Esa dog / vests that aligns well.
[5:53] Unless one is official service dog says free registration and service dog vest kits and supplies.
Tell its offices how to make your dog a service dog valid for all 50 States and Canada
this one sounds like they really want.
Not just sell you the best but get your dog registered and get you the best kind of all-in-one step so there.
Really making that similar to the to the top 1.
Basically I make the whole process easy and I know house also will take a look at the landing pages for all these in and see how.
How old is a line in before we jump into those landing pages I just want to let you know that.
Reminder you can find the show notes with a screenshot of the search and links the landing pages.
At paid / 10 that’s the number 10 so paid / 10 pallets jump into the landing pages.
To the first landing pages u.s. dog registry. Org and actually takes you to their home page which has a listing.
An option for service dog emotional support dog and therapy dog which are the three main types of things you would get a vests in can ID for.
I think this could be better because we search for the emotional support.
[7:28] Dog section or vests so I think you’ll be better if we.
Percent to that page because right here on this on this site there’s get started for each of these three options so they’ll take you to a more specific page to order different kits for.
That specific section so.
[7:50] That being said it’s still not still not difficult you get here and you see basically your option and you click get started so it’s not so awful it does give you a little bit of info on S4.
And some list of disabilities covered so in Arkasas things that a depression bipolar mood disorder is panic attacks so that explains a little bit more about the most Ross support animals are for.
Tax little bit about the laws protecting this type of dog and then gives you some details you’re allowed to fly for free or lied to have them in housing and it’s protected in all 50 50 states.
And then also some information Outlaws register now so not an option on the page so awful that you’re sent to the homepage but.
Anime am I test sending it to that specific emotional support dog page
Nothing to say here is something
prettiest sight but it’s not awful.
I feel like they could do a little bit better with some sort of kind of trust symbols and something to show that they’re a little more.
Stablished in the real real company but.
You have two sides that at the bottom it says register in 3 easy steps and it kind of walks you through those three steps so that’s good to see shows shows how simple it is.
[9:24] Text is so small I would like to see that be a little larger specially if
some of the.
Population is is an older special enough people with disabilities have trouble seeing potentially so it even calls that out as blindness as one of the other things here so.
Yeah I would just like to see you be a little more accessible for.
Audience but what’s left me on the next one
it’s too., remember this I believed was a dynamic search.
Add Google someone automated and so they basically land you at a search page for the website and it searches Esa harness.
And I do have in the very first choice here is an Esa support harness and.
Besides that nothing else is related on this page is a bunch of other products different types of harnesses but not specific to emotional support animal.
[10:40] So that your page but it’s not it’s not perfect but it’s looking to buy a specifically just just a harness or vests like our search this would actually get to.
Pretty close to the right page ideally it would send you to one of these products without having to cook again but.
Otherwise not bad in chewy is a trance I will designed they do a ton of advertising I’m sure they make make a ton as well.
not a whole lot to say here just check out the site if you haven’t my by Doug stuff you’re having now and then.
The next one it’s working service dog. Come and we land at the emotional support dog vests page.
[11:33] And they give you a little info a typical large dog weighs over 30 pounds so they kind of give you some help with how to choose the size just nice and then they give you a whole selection of different.
Service dog vests and different kind of patch options.
Is well with a ton of different different styles you can pick from here so.
[11:59] A distant land you in any Commerce category paid which in this case Works work pretty well.
Yes I have it says are you having trouble picking out the right best don’t know where to start there’s a vests Electric Tool you can click on.
And looks like though it will help you kind of choose what you need to left I’m a nice nice little feature and compared to the first one this site.
Does design a little better it’s a little little cleaner text slightly larger so.
[12:33] Seals and Elsa have some credit card symbols at the bottom showing vests they accept everything.
[12:43] Which is nice but the soul doesn’t have those those Trust
symbols email verify it’s not a secure site which is a negative.
Those are some things I would work on for.
For these insights is make sure they’re there secure chewy is a u.s. dog registry was not just looking back real quick.
[13:07] And it says for working service dog., have a shopper approved rating of 4.9 out of 5 based on 219 ratings which is awesome.
But it’s kind of hidden way at the bottom and really small text so.
That was our them I would try to highlight that that’s that’s a really good positive reviews from from a lot of people so it should make that information front and center.
[13:34] But let’s let’s go onto the last one which is official service dog registry.
Tell I don’t know if they’re actually official but saying that their name is nice they also have a secure site which helps which with the other sites did not.
[13:53] And it has everything you need for your service dog Fishel and doors products get your official documents here official ID cards that use that word a lot.
Which is nice cuz it sounds like I might be kind of a common issue or worry with people buying some of the stuff is that they’re getting it from a non authorized or unofficial.
[14:16] Go to your Fishel documents get your ID cards and then official service dog kits which aligned with the ad.
Just get everything you needed and the kids look like includes a certificate and ID card vests.
And then they have a therapy dog emotional support dog and service dogs actions similar to how the first website had as you scroll down a little bit.
So looks like there’s quite a bit going on in on the page so.
It it’s almost like there’s too many options I feel it says click here and three different spots and there’s a full navigation in kind of some.
Rotating imagery up at the top as well so it’s it’s kind of still feels a little much but.
[15:16] Bad the sort of red which isn’t really a trust color of another using the word official kind of kind of.
Contradicts contradicts itself but as we click service dog kits.
That’s um basically what we’re looking for and then use you choose emotional support when they’re so sick there’s quite a few clicks to actually get to what we want.
But otherwise it seems fairly easy to get to the sections you want just just a little overwhelming but otherwise.
[15:55] Not too bad that have some color and sizing chart releases which which is good for you know if you’re not sure what you need.
Tons of colors
gift ribbon kind of interesting industry I’m not sure how.
Legal all the stuff is personally
That’s okay I mean that’s not what I’m trying to trying to analyze right now so.
Yeah if you want to check out
check out somebody site so the search go to paid
[16:37] Music.
[16:53] One last thing if you are enjoying these podcast episodes I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a rating and review on iTunes.
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